Re: CSS question with NN

by Andrew McFarland <aamcf(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 26 Apr 2002 23:04:38 +0100
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  norton
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 16:24 26/04/02 -0400, Nate Harel wrote:
>Look at In IE the title shows up as should be - white.
>In NN it shows up black.

This is actually quite easy to solve. Theoretically at least, you can't use 
underscores in CSS class names. Changing  span <.class="title_main"> to 
<.class="titlemain"> and changing the stylesheet accordingly fixes this 
problem. My fixed version is on

I can't decide if this is an example of a Netscape 4 correct behavior, 
contrasted with broken behavior in Mozilla, or if it just another bug in 
NN4 that happens to look like it might be the right thing :-)

It is always worth running your CSS through as this will catch lots of these 
problems which are otherwise hard to debug. You should never let a site go 
live if there are any CSS errors or warnings from this validator - at least 
unless you are very sure what is causing the errors/warnings and are sure 
that's what you want.

One final tip: add whitespace to your CSS. IT makes them much easier to 
maintain. I like to write mine so they look like the `output' of the validator.

>And a second question: clicking on any of the menu links seems to take a 
>long time to bring up the next page in NN, where in IE it goes very quickly.

I haven't tested this, but I think it is because of all the nested tables. 
Netscape 4 has trouble with nested tables. Takes ages to render them.



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