my problem with Digital Zones

by Bob Unger <rbu(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 03 Aug 2002 14:23:21 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I want to thank all of you who responded to my post about what's going on 
with Digital Zones.

I have just completed what seems to be my 20th email with support and I 
cant get over the feeling that these guys are a bunch of High School kids 
trying to run a business.  They did not solve my problem (of being unable 
to ftp to my site) and I got the feeling they didn't have a clue.  So I 
tried a few things to eliminate possible causes of the problem - I 
connected through 3 different isp's and used 2 different machines - one 
running W2K and the other Win98.   I got the same problem no matter what 
isp I used or what machine I used.  When I told support of this, they told 
me they "just connected without any error so they feel there is no 
problem.  Have a nice day."

Well, I hit the roof.  I wrote back telling them of the complete 
unprofessionalism in brushing me off and not trying to look into the 
problem.  I told them i would have to be out of my mind to stay with 
Digital Zones and pay them every month when I cant access my site and 
support brushes me off.  I also told them that I  signed up 6 of my clients 
on Digital Zones and I will be closing those accounts as well ... and to 
have a nice day.

Then (just now, actually) I got an email from the support guy saying "I'm 
sorry.  Give me some time and I will look into your problem"  I STILL feel 
these guys are students trying to run a business.

So - can anybody suggest a reliable web hosting service with PROFESSIONAL 
support.  I, and my clients, are paying $10 a month and I would like to 
find a service with the same price (I dont want to move my clients to 
another service and have them pay more)  I need a service that has php and 
mysql databases.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest,
Bob Unger

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