Re: Text size and 508

by Kukla Fran and Ollie <weblists2001(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 04 Oct 2001 09:21:03 -0700
 To:  HWG-Techniques <hwg-techniques(at)>
 Cc:  "Timo Markkanen" <timo.markkanen(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  bc
  todo: View Thread, Original
When dealing with the government, especially 508 issues with this crowd, 
don't forget the major point:

You are dealing with bureaucrats.

One can spend as much time as necessary pouring over the 508 guidelines and 
requirements, debating the issues here and in other forums, yadda, yadda, 
and think that "size doesn't matter,"  or any of the other obscure details 
with 508, but you will miss the the major, unwritten point:

You are dealing with bureaucrats.

At the end of the day, it will be the bureaucrats who decide whether a site 
makes it to "their" 508 requirements.  The bureaucrats are the one who have 
to deal with FOIA requests and ADA queries and lawsuits.  It will be their 
interpretation of 508 that really decides the issue, and not some logical, 
finely detailed specification which doesn't exist.

If you never do contract work with Uncle Sam, nor any type of business with 
them, you can ignore 508.  It also means that if a snowball's chance ever 
appears to do a contract, and you cannot show any 508 work in your 
portfolio, you will not even be considered.  With the Internet economy 
continuing to bottom out, one shouldn't close a door before you have a 
definite need never to go through it.

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