Re: Dynamic menu problem

by Jack Beslanwitch <jack(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 31 Oct 2001 22:38:01 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  lchb
  todo: View Thread, Original
If you have access to Macromedia Fireworks, creating drop down dynamic 
menus is a snap. Check out or or for examples. The 
process involved is absolutely simple and is cross browser effective, 
including Netscape 4.0 and IE 4.0 . The difficulty comes with Netscape 3.0 
or someone who has Javascript turned off. The fall back here is to  use the 
map portion and point at a default page. If you do not have Fireworks you 
can download a 30 day trial and create the menus . It really is not hard at 

Jack Beslanwitch

At 12:43 AM 11/1/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Web Master" <Webmaster(at)>
>To: <hwg-techniques(at)>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 5:25 PM
>Subject: Dynamic menu problem
> >(For what it's worth, I have tried scripts from several sources, and none
>seem to work as I need them >to; this includes the Hiermenus script from
>, which does not seem to include a >version for a static
>menu that will always be on the page, and open up child submenus as the
>mouse >passes thereover).
>Are you sure?  I may be misunderstanding your intent, but I've played with
>Hiermenus before and distinctly remember there being a way to absolutely
>position a menu in pixels both from the left and from the top of the screen.
>In addition, there are flags to either display the parent menu on the page
>by default, or have it activated by clicking or mousing over a link or
>graphic.   Personally, I think Hiermenus is probably one of the best DHTML
>menu scripts I've ever seen, but that's irrelevant.
>If your intent is to not make the parent menu be a layer, but actually be a
>physical part of the page, then perhaps you could try making the base menu a
>simple HTML table, color coded to match the rest of the Hiermenu child
>submenus that would float from it when moused over.  Or you could make it a
>graphic and do the same thing.

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