Re: MSSmartTagsPreventParsing

by Charles A Upsdell <cupsdell(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 21 Apr 2002 21:25:30 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 Cc:  "Angel One" <angelone(at)>
 References:  upsdell upsdell2
  todo: View Thread, Original
Well, this issue has been discussed, to some degree, as if it were very 
new: but it is not.  I vividly remember discussions of this issue in other 
forums last summer (last winter for those 'down under'), while IE6 was 
still in beta.  Designers were livid when SmartTags appeared in the betas, 
a lot of designers threw a lot of sh*t at MS, and we all breathed a huge 
sigh of relief when MS backed down.  I continue to participate in other 
forums (newsgroups like alt.html, for example): I am very, very certain I 
would have heard if SmartTags had somehow escaped from the cesspool to 
which they had been assigned.

On the other hand ... another addition to IE6 that did NOT get ditched was 
the Image Toolbar that IE6 displays by default when hovering over largish 
(> 199x199 ?) graphics.  This toolbar serves no useful purpose, so far as I 
can see, except to muck up the page and make it easier for people to steal 
images.  And to prevent this, we have to add this otherwise unnecessary 
code to our pages:

     <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />

At 07:51 PM 04/21/02, you wrote:
>     Hi Charles,
>     Not to sound cynical (but I guess I'm that too - LOL!); how do you know
>*for sure* that mickysoft has *never* released a version (or a few hundred
>thousand or more copies) of I.E.6 with smart tags enabled? Are you inside

Chuck Upsdell
Email:     cupsdell(at)

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