osCommerce shoppingcart/checkout question

by Doris Kyburz <doris(at)kyburz.net>

 Date:  Sun, 31 Oct 2004 22:02:54 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Dear all,

This is a question I have for those of you who use osCommerce for 
their stores. I have one set up for a winery. There were two clients 
who had apparently problems with the checkout. They changed their 
minds about the number of bottles and by updating that number they 
had to go through the step-by-step checkout procedure again. They 
were particularly upset that they had to type in their CC number 

My impression is that this functions correctly because, for one 
reason, the shipping and insurance has to be recalculated.

Now, my client believes that he is loosing lots of potential 
customers in the same manner. I had a look at the web logs, and that 
seems not to be the case. It's probably more the problem that (not 
exactly cheap) Wine is just not what is easily sold over the net.

I was wondering whether any of you had a similar experience while 
using osCommerce. Especially: Did you find a way on how to update the 
quantity without the customer having to go again through the checkout 

Sorry for the longish posting and many thanks for your input (maybe offline?).

Greetings to you all,

:: doris


doris kyburz
703 santa barbara rd
berkeley, ca 94707
h: 1+510.848.0707
f: 1+707.598.2973

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