Re: Best viewed with...

by "Conrad Shull" <shull(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 9 Jan 1998 19:33:37 -0500
 To:  <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>You should use the JavaScript redirects for the more up to date browsers
>that support the functions instead of using the JavaScript for older

GOOD POINT!  I'll be honest, I never looked at it that way.  I'm sure it's
true that most people who want to do "something extra" with their site
design first for the new stuff and then put together something else for the
browsers that can't make the "cool stuff" work (I'm certainly guilty of
this).  The usual problem is, of course, that the secondary page
(index2.html, for example) gets far less attention than the page
(index.html) with all the latest razzle-dazzle (don't get me wrong, I like
razzle-dazzle; nothing wrong with razzle-dazzle.)  I like this idea: put 80%
of your work into the lowly no-frills page and 20% into the "cool page".
Good philosophy.  Thanks.


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