Re: Best viewed with...

by Gossamer <gossamer(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 10 Jan 1998 11:30:21 +1100
 To:  hwg-theory <hwg-theory(at)>
 References:  rocketmail
  todo: View Thread, Original

Slight tangent but ... one thing that REALLY annoys me is the rude and
condescending messages people tend to put in the <NOFRAMES> section of
their frame-"enhanced" web pages.

It's especially annoying when you think that most people who are
currently using browsers that don't deal with frames are doing it
because for some reason they -can't- upgrade.  Continually seeing rude
messages about how I should "Get A New Browser" when I websurf with
Lynx is a major pain.


: Gossamer - gossamer(at) -
: Humour doesn't bite you on the ass; it puts its arms around your
: shoulder and warms you when you feel the cold of an uncaring world. 
: Frivolity puts a lamp-shade on its head and falls over the back of the
: couch, knocking over that small table with the telephone on it.
: Somehow, this helps too.  -- Dava Kingsley

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