Re: Images & mouseovers
by "Bryan Bateman" <batemanb(at)>
In the words of Gomer Pyle. Thank-ya, Thank-ya, Thank-ya.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kynn Bartlett" <kynn-hwg(at)>
To: "Bryan Bateman" <batemanb(at)>
Cc: "David Meadows" <david(at)>; "KathyW"
<kathyw(at)>; <hwg-xml(at)>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 12:29 AM
Subject: Re: Images & mouseovers
> At 04:37 PM 9/25/2000 , Bryan Bateman wrote:
> >Mr. Bartlett,
> >Two things I have learned from the classes and correspondence with HWG.
> >Make you pages validate to the browser-base you are writing for and make
> >your pages degrade gracefully to the lowest common denominator of
> These are very good things to learn. :)
> >Off topic:
> >I would also like to ask if I may use your schema for the resume. I
> >to be well thought out and I would not like to reinvent the wheel if I do
> >not need to?? Your DTD is server side. What act of servitude would I
> >to do to get a copy???
> I didn't write a DTD for it; it's pretty ad-hoc. I don't have a
> formal schema or anything. (The cool thing about XML is that
> you don't have to have a DTD! Well, not a formal one.)
> There's a web site out there which is working on a resume DTD/
> Schema; I've considered writing the XSLT to transform my "Kynn's
> Ad-Hoc Resume ML" to their resume format, but I just haven't
> gotten around to it. That web site was:
> --
> Kynn Bartlett mailto:kynn(at)
> Board Member, HTML Writers Guild
> AWARE Center Director
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