RE: DOCTYPE Question

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:31:32 -0700
 To:  "HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
To all:

The following was sent to me off list so the name shall remain for my eyes

> Mozilla / Netscape 6 looks at the DOCTYPE, and can render the page
> differently depending on the DOCTYPE.  In M17, for example, a page with an
> XHTML 1.0 DOCTYPE can be rendered differently from the identical page with
> an HTML 4.01 DOCTYPE.  This has bitten several of my XHTML sites.

Ahh- at last--someone with an actual REASON to use a DOCTYPE statement. It
does make sense that if one is going to use XHTML that it might be of some
value to tell the browsers. And what better place than in a DOCTYPE.
Granted, this only covers XHTML and not necessarily plain old HTML but it's
a start. Thanks for the info. This is something we can ALL use.

It does bring up two obvious questions for those who are--or plan to
use--XHTML. Will the CURRENT browsers, (IE-4+, NN-4.whatever), render XHTML
without this addition to the DOCTYPE.

Will--considering all the negative hype in the media--Netscape ever solve
their dilemma of combining the ability to render according to W3's standards
and still be able to support the current state of the art as demonstrated by
both IE-4-5 and their own browser?? And if so, any ideas when--if ever--NN-6
will ever receive "public" distribution in final form--not just betas??

I for one, will assume that any pages I create with XHTML, should in fact,
have a DOCTYPE statement that includes XHTML, regardless of whether Netscape
ever brings out Version 6 or not.

Any thoughts other than, "It's in the book, therefore is HAS to be so"??

BTY -- Another member e-mailed off list to heartily agree with my comments
about W3 archives. I just wish they had posed on list so you could see that
I'm not the ONLY one who finds a lot of the material located there almost
more darn trouble than it's worth. (Considering that most of the info can be
found where the authors talk in less "academic" terms and where the info
desired can be found in less obscure camouflage.)

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

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