Re: A Perfect Web Site!

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:19:28 -0800
 To:  "HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  bramhan mobile localhost pink localhost2 justinh
  todo: View Thread, Original

True--Linux is growing--and when it grows out of the embryo stage, I'm sure
we will all be giving it more thought. But for now, the load is on the
shoulders of those using that Operating System.

Will Linux develop browsers that can really view and support the web
features as they actually are--without wining or crying or yelling, "Hey,
make room for me"??

If it does, great. If it does not, it will go the way of the Commodore 64.
(Which by the way, at this time, outnumbers Linux by a healthy margin).

Don't take offense, please. Once, we Apple happy people said the same thing
about DOS--it didn't make it--and Windows--which did. Now most of us ex-Mac
people run Windows.

Cuzzz ..
Right now--the world as we know it in mass--IS Windows. Who knows. Maybe in
five years, the world will be Linux. And if it is, you can bet the farm that
Bill Gates WILL have a super slick version of Internet Explorer for it. And
a whole bunch of us will have switched.

This more or less fits in with what I have been saying. For the U.S. at
least, it is the commercial businesses that will have the final say. And sad
as it is, that always means the mass market and the little guy gets left

This is why many are screaming at W3C to get on the ball before the
commercial manufactures pass them by. Several writers are saying that is the
problem now. W3C is already pass�.

I for one, hope not--but time will tell and to get back to what started this
discussion in the first place---If Netscape or any other manufacture is
really going to jump on the W3C standards wagon, they are simply going to
have to do a far better job than Netscape 6 if they expect it to work for
the public at large.

BTW -- this is it for me for a day or two. Got to actually work for a bit
and besides--I kind of think this has been beat to death.

Again best to all

> So what do you say to people who use Linux?  Linux is a growing force
> online, and I can't see a version of IE for Linux coming out any time
> Justin H.

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