Re: more on frames

by Kynn Bartlett <kynn-hwg(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 21 Nov 1998 21:23:47 -0800
 To:  Stephan Brevik =?iso-8859-1?Q?Nedreg=E5rd?= <stephann(at)>
 Cc:  David Fauteux <phobos23(at)>, hwg-theory <hwg-theory(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  uio
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 06:40 p.m. 11/21/98 +0100, Stephan Brevik Nedreg=E5rd wrote:
>Btw, I feel a lot of people here are assuming there are no noframes=
>of the sites in question? Surely, pages using frames that include a
>NOFRAMES-section wouldn't be difficult to "read" for the blind?

You are correct, a NOFRAMES section of a page is an incredible
boon to making web pages accessible to _everyone_.=20

However, we (in the web accessibility activity community :) ) have
a hard enough time convincing web authors to use ALT text, let alone
getting them to spend the extra few minutes on NOFRAMES.

My browser (Opera) allows me to turn off frames.  Since I don't like
'em that much, I left it that way for a while.  Guess what I saw?

     Your browser does not support frames!  Please upgrade to
     a newer browser like Netscape 2.0! [LINK]

Puh-leeze -- these types of web author clearly have no idea what
the web is about and don't understand user preferences and diversity
of user agents at _all_.  Such cluelessness is insulting to me.

Kynn Bartlett  <kynn(at)>            =
Chief Technologist & Co-Owner, Idyll Mountain Internet; Fullerton,=
Enroll now for web accessibility with HTML 4.0!  =
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