Re: Follow on from 'doctype question'

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 29 Sep 2000 15:09:04 -0400
 To:  Lori Eldridge <lorield(at)>,
 References:  canopy canopy2
  todo: View Thread, Original

The "link" in the DTD is required in order for the browser to be able to
reference the "rules" it is to display the document using.

I'm surprised to hear that your editor tries to go online, but hey, I don't
use an editor like that. So please, consider yourself as having taught the
(infamous) Fuzzy something new today.

I thank you for that!


At 08:29 AM 9/29/00 -0700, Lori Eldridge wrote:
>Question: Do we have to leave the link to in our doc 
>statements? Every time I do that the page trys to load when I'm 
>working on it off line--very annoying.  I use Netscape--I know it's 
>supposedly a pain but I HATE IE for a multitude of reasons--all of 
>which NN provides--and mostly because it doesn't provide "send page" 
>which I use all the time to send myself copies of the text off the 
>sites for research purposes.
Captain F.M. O'Lary
FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.  It comes bundled with the software.

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