Re: A quick hello / HTML Course 28 February

by Sandy Fields <sandy(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 21 Feb 2000 09:18:38 -0800
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  aol
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 04:37 PM 2/20/2000 EST, EncomDesign(at) wrote:

>At first I thought why would anyone 
>bother learning HTML etc. when you have FrontPage etc.?, then I realised
>how powerful yet simple hand coding HTML would prove to be.

IMO, everyone should know the basics of hand coding HTML.  There are some
things that the html editors can't or won't do.  And they can mess up your
code sometimes, and you need to be able to go in there manually and fix it.
 Without a basic understanding of html, that wouldn't be possible.

>Rapid learning of HTML is my goal as I am chasing employment as a junior
>HTML author / Web Developer, at 28 a serious change of direction!

Good for you!  I'm trying to make the same change at 47!

>With this in mind I have been taking on-line tutorials and notice the HWG
>a comprehensive range of courses - I would like to request the guidance of 
>existing members of the HWG on several issues:
>1. Is the HTML Introduction course on the 28th Feb. a good course to take?

I haven't taken that one, but I would imagine it is.  

>2. What courses have you taken and which can you recommend?

I just completed the Paint Shop Pro class and loved it!  I'm hoping to be
able to sign up for the JavaScript class that starts next month.

-- Sandy
Sannicron Web Design

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