Re: RE: HTML Programs

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:40:12 EDT
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hiya Friends:

Paul asked:

>Just wondering if anyone can enlighten me.  And sending up a prayer that,
>someday, someone will create ONE program that will do it ALL (or at least
>90% of it) and NOT be a space or memory hog.

For the same reason that there are Democrats and Republicans - everyone has a 
different notion as to how it should be done.  Not necessarily better...not 
necessarily worse...just different.  Also opens the field to competition, 
marketing, and $$$$$$.

There's a whole economy that thrives on coming up with the next verison.  
Although it might make you crazy, the theory is that the "consumer" 

- Jeff K.

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