Quality, Validation and

by "Darrell King" <darrell(at)webctr.com>

 Date:  Fri, 29 Sep 2000 15:53:21 -0400
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)hwg.org>
 References:  canopy canopy2
  todo: View Thread, Original
>>>[ Fuzzy ] In the six(?) _years_ I have been offering that guarantee, I
have had ZERO refunds. I have had a grand total of FOUR "attempts" at
securing a refund in those six (?) years. I _stay_ swamped with work, but
~never~ advertise my services. Now, anyone here can believe anything they
choose in terms of what does and does not work and the way things should and
should not be coded.<<<

Fuzzy's right.  We emphasize not just quality, but a constant pursuit of
valid code.  It pays off.  Skimp if you will, but the bottom line is that
HTML is a computer language, and computers like things orderly.  You can get
away with less, but we have a constant flow of work, probably due to the
fact that we don't treat HTML any differently than XML or Perl.  It all has
to be done right, and there's always something that can be improved on over
the last project.

Do it right, and accept that you will spend 2 hours of every day learning
new standards and techniques.  Anything less is unrealistic.  The payoffs
are known as "repeat business" and "referrals."


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